Economic Media Centre


Funding area: Inclusive economy


The Economic Media Centre (a partnership of Australian Progress and ACOSS) is the first pro bono, cross-sector media capacity building organisation in Australia. The EMC exists to support spokespeople from grassroots groups and NGOs to contribute to economic policy debates through the mainstream media to secure more equal economic policies and shift economic narratives.

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2022 Signature Grant, $20,000

Core funding


In 2020-21, the Economic Media Centre (EMC) achieved proof of concept, supporting 335 spokespeople from over 65 not-for-profits  to participate in over 6,000 media stories across print, radio and television on a diverse range of issues including housing, disability, gender inequality, stronger social safety nets, First Nations justice, tax policy, accessible healthcare, racial justice, mental health services and refugee rights.

In 2022, EMC will grow its team and focus on three priority issues including, strong public services, income inequality and the inclusion of marginalised voices. The EMC plans to deliver not-for-profit sector capacity-building, media campaigns and narrative shifts at scale.