Welcome to Country is an Indigenous-led social enterprise working to create employment and economic development outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses using e-commerce platforms and support.

Grants received: 

2024 Signature Grant, $30,000

2022 Signature Grant, $25,000

What we funded: 

In 2022 Mannifera funding helped to establish a rolling fund to support First Nations-owned enterprises to begin selling their products via the Welcome to Country platform, and to expand their business offerings. In 2024 Mannifera provided funding to support Welcome to Country to transition to become an incorporated, First Nations
owned and controlled entity.

Yiliyapinya Indigenous Corp’s mission is to provide support services to help people in need to improve their memory, attention, brain speed and social skills, which in turn improve their ability to sustain employment and achieve in education. 

Grants received: 

2022 First Nations-led Grant, $30,000

What we funded: 

Mannifera’s funding supported the exploratory work to scale Yiliyapinya’s programs focused on the “trauma brain” and how First Nations people can harness this in their work and learning.

Preston Campbell Foundation (PCF)  is an Indigenous-led and owned, not-for-profit organisation providing training and employment for Indigenous young people, working holistically and providing cultural safety and support. 

Grants received: 

2023 First Nations-led Grant, $20,000

2022 First Nations-led Grant, $20,000

What we funded: 

Mannifera’s funding helped to build a social enterprise cafe in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley that will provide hospitality training and employment opportunities to Indigenous young people, as well as enhance PCF’s digital capabilities as an organisation and increase awareness of their work in remote communities.

First Australians Capital (FAC) is an Indigenous founded and led organisation that believes in the cultural, creative and economic capital of Indigenous Australians to achieve self-determination and economic justice.

Grants received: 

2021 First Nations-led Grant, $40,000

What we funded: 

Mannifera funding supported the development of FAC’s 2030 Economic Horizon for Indigenous-led Impact Strategy and a five-year strategic plan that will lead to an Investment Mandate to grow and scale FAC’s work. This supported progress towards the long-term goal of developing an Impact Investment Fund.

Outback Academy is a majority First Nations-led not-for-profit organisation that connects First Nations regenerative farmers to supply opportunity; alongside capacity and capability building for agricultural horticultural business. Farmers work under the brand Follow the Flowers.

Grants received: 

2022 First Nations-led Grant, $20,000

2021 First Nations-led Grant, $40,000

What we funded: 

Mannifera funding was used to plan the scaling of honey production and the engagement of Indigenous consultants to work with farmers and industry experts to develop the Follow the Flowers business model. It later helped to bring on marketing expertise to develop the communications systems and branding at a critical growth period for Outback Academy.

Black Coffee Australia is a volunteer-run grassroots network that brings together Indigenous small business owners around Australia to build connections, form local business communities, encourage procurement and support the formation of an Indigenous Chambers of Commerce. Black Coffee is run in 36 regions across the continent with 2330 Indigenous business owners participating. 

Grants received: 

2023 First Nations-led Grant, $10,000

2022 First Nations-led Grant, $20,000

2021 First Nations-led Grant, $40,000

What we funded: 

Mannifera provided support to develop a theory of change and evaluation framework to understand the impact Black Coffee networks are having, and later supported the activation and strengthening of regional Indigenous business networks. In 2023 a renewed grant was awarded to assist in transitioning Black Coffee to operate as its own entity.

Guumali is a social change agency enabling Northern Territory First Nations communities to rebuild independent economies and uncover local solutions on their terms. Gumaali’s flagship initiative, The Shed, is built by and for First Nations people and is an always-evolving artist and change-maker studio with a mission to transform northern Australia.

Grants received: 

2022 First Nations-led Grant, $15,000

What we funded: 

Mannifera supported operating costs and the final refurbishment required to ensure a secure premise, enabling The Shed to open its doors at the end of 2022 and offering a comfortable space to retreat and create for the community.

First Hand Solutions Aboriginal Corporation (FHS) specialises in finding hands-on solutions to issues faced by Aboriginal people, families and communities, particularly young Aboriginal people. 

Grants received: 

2023 First Nations-led Grant, $25,000

What we funded: 

FHS’s flagship program, the National Indigenous Art Fair, provides a unique opportunity for regional and remote Indigenous arts centres and artists to expand their markets to a national consumer-base and receive 100% of the revenue raised to invest back into their businesses and communities. Mannifera has supported the running of the National Indigenous Art Fair. 

Mamanta service their local community through running a range of programs and activities that have a particular focus on youth and employment.

Grants received: 

2023 First Nations-led Grant, $25,000

What we funded: 

Mamanta has to devote energy and resources to extremely expensive, unfeasible vehicle hire arrangements that severely limit flexibility and control. In 2023, Mannifera provided a grant to go directly toward procurement of a suitable, much needed vehicle.

Mirring Aboriginal Corporation (MAC) operates as a women, children and families centred organisation with a purpose to support, educate and provide a culturally safe environment to develop self-esteem, practice cultural ways, and experience unconditional inclusion. 

Grants received: 

2023 First Nations-led Grant, $25,000

What we funded: 

Recent circumstances left Mirring without a permanent place to host their cultural education, health and wellbeing workshops, business development and Aboriginal Women’s Issues summits and healing camps. Mirring members voted to move Mirring into a virtual space through the development of a website. In 2023, Mannifera contributed to the ongoing maintenance of their website by an Aboriginal small business, registered with Supply Nation.

The Wardirras of the Ngurra Co-op is a small start-up social enterprise that a women’s group in Roebourne, WA have been working to get off the ground. Their plan is to develop local medicinal plants as native botanical products.

Grants received: 

2023 First Nations-led Grant, $25,000

What we funded: 

Mannifera support helped The Wardirras of the Ngurra develop an Indigenous medicinal plant (jammi) into a social enterprise. This is building on their recent work with pharmacists to successfully validate the medicinal properties of the jammi plant.

Aboriginal Art Centre Hub WA (AACHWA) is a peak body for Aboriginal Art Centres in WA. Their vision is to be a strong voice for vibrant, culturally strong and sustainable Western Australian art centres. 

Grants received: 

2023 First Nations-led Grant, $25,000

What we funded: 

Mannifera contributed to AACHWA’s ‘Our Business’ forum – a four-day professional development program for art centre staff, board directors and artists. The focus of the forum was on building the capacity of art centres and partnership development.

Galiwin’ku Women’s Space Inc. (GWS) was formed in 2015 by a group of dedicated Yolŋu women passionate about finding a solution to the ongoing domestic family violence being experienced within the Galiwin’ku community. This Yolngu-led Aboriginal Corporation offers an array of services, from domestic violence crisis accommodation, to well-being programs that can meet the unique needs of this remote Indigenous community.

Grants received: 

2024 First Nations-led Grant, $50,000

What we funded: 

Mannifera provided $50,000 to help secure the future of the organisation to continue its 24/7 operational service in East Arnhem Land.

Wulumbarra meaning ‘large communal fire’ is a First Nations environmental conservation organisation and community group connecting youth to their culture and land on Yorta Yorta Country throughout the Shepparton area. The Traditional Owners who founded Wulumbarra are highly respected Traditional Fire Practitioners with decades of experience in practising Cultural Fire and navigating western fire management.

Grants received: 

2024 First Nations-led Grant, $30,000

What we funded: 

Mannifera funding will support Wulumbarra's ongoing work, include their plans to expand their Cultural Fire programs and mentor the next generation of Yorta Yorta Fire Practitioners.

The Maganda Makers Business Club is a grassroots women-specific business club of Kimberley Indigenous women who use the vehicle of business to build wealth, as a means to drive social and economic transformation across the Kimberley. The business club is an important resource which empowers Maganda Makers to incubate and then scale beyond a nano/micro-business, to generate wealth that can be used for good. The Maganda Makers Business Club has been developed through a collaboration of Kimberley Jiyigas, Good Return and the Menzies Foundation.

Grants received: 

2024 First Nations-led Grant, $30,000

What we funded: 

Mannifera funding will support the planning and delivery of Maganda Makers workshops for 35 First Nations women in leadership and business in the

The Cape York Grassroots Corporation (CYGC) was established in 2018 as an advocating body to give voice to traditional owners across Cape York from diverse clans, nations, and language groups. CYGC’s vision is for each traditional owner group to speak for their country and to make decisions for the present and future generations according to their lore and customs.

Grants received: 

2024 First Nations-led Grant, $50,000

What we funded: 

Mannifera funding will support CYGC's work, including their plans to utilise their ownership of United Uprise (a Registered Training Organisation) to empower Indigenous people through tailored training opportunities in land management, governance, administration and other skills relevant to community-based, traditional owner-led environmental projects.