Our Focus Areas

Fostering First Nations Economic Inclusion
Building Fair Tax and Economic Systems
Improving Quality Public Debate
Fostering Inclusive Political Participation
Ensuring Accountable and Open Government


We make grants to values-aligned civil society and First Nations-led organisations working across our five focus areas.

Mannifera grants range from $10,000 to $100,000.

We provide a mix of multiyear and one year grants in four categories: Signature Grants, Rapid Response Grants, Capacity building Grants, First Nations-led Grants. All of our grants are flexible and can be used to cover core project or organisational costs.

Grant decisions are made by collective members at our annual muster and at key moments throughout the year in response to emerging issues.

Mannifera solicits requests for support through its networks while also running open grant rounds. Please subscribe to our email list, or follow us on Linkedin, to get updates on calls for proposals.

First Nations-led Practice

A history of colonisation, dispossession and disempowerment of First Nations peoples is woven into the fabric of our political and economic systems. Australia cannot achieve a complete democracy or fair economy without addressing this history, or respecting the rights and aspirations of First Nations peoples. We are committed to listening to and learning from First Nations peoples, and we allocate 20% of our budget to our First Nations-led grantmaking practice.

Collective Action

Collective action is central to Mannifera's approach. By fostering meaningful connections between our grant partners and members, we identify and leverage opportunities for collaboration that amplify our impact. We also use our power and voice as a network to advance campaigns addressing pressing democracy and fair economy issues.


Learning is at the heart of everything we do. We learn from our grant partners, gaining insight into the work they do, challenges they face, and strategies they employ. Our members also learn from each other, helping to enhance our collective practice. We use what we’re learning to shape our approach, while also sharing our insights with partners and peers.