Our Mission

To invest in civil society partners advocating for the systems change we need to strengthen our democracy and build an economy that works for everyone.

Our Vision

A more complete democracy and an economy with fairness at its heart, protected by a robust and vibrant civil society sector.

Our Values

Our Theory of change

Securing systemic change is not a linear process. Our theory of change embodies the complexity involved in creating social change by portraying each area of our work as step in an evolving cycle.

Build collective power

We build power by uniting funders across Australia around our shared vision of a thriving democracy and fair economy.

Listen & respect

To inform our practice we listen to and respect the ideas and expertise of civil society and First Nartions-led organisations.

Shift power

We shift our power through trust-based partnerships and funding to civil society and First Nations-led initiatives.

Connect & amplify

We amplify our grant partner's work and foster collaboration within civil society and between advocates and funders.

Push for systems change

Our grant partners leverage the resources and connections we provide to push for system-level change.

Learn & adapt

We learn from our work and the evolving needs of civil society, using these insights to adapt our approach.

Influence philanthropy

We use what we are learning to influence the practice of other funders and encourage them to join us.

Our Approach to Philanthropy

We are committed to developing a different and more effective kind of philanthropy. To achieve this, we are:

  • Led by civil society and First Nations expertise.
  • Supporting advocacy that tackles systems change.
  • Committed to collaboration and collective action.
  • Building trust-based relationships and partnerships
  • Responsive to evolving needs and contexts.
  • Innovative and willing to take risks.
  • Continuously learning.


We’re governed by a Taskforce made up of rotating Mannifera members, alongside our Executive Officer.  As a collective our members have equal opportunity to engage in and influence our strategy, grantmaking decisions and approach, and our shared vision is realised through the active participation of  our members.