Aboriginal Art Centre Hub of Western Australia


Funding area: First Nations-led Economic Inclusion


AACHWA is a peak body for Aboriginal Art Centres in WA. Their vision is to be a strong voice for vibrant, culturally strong and sustainable Western Australian art centres. AACHWA works for and with WA Aboriginal Art Centres to celebrate the strength of WA’s art and culture. They encourage best practice, facilitate targeted training opportunities and encourage leadership within younger generations.

Visit website: aachwa.com.au



2023 First Nations-led Grant, $25,000

Our Business: Aboriginal Art Centre Forum


The Aboriginal Art Centre Forums delivered by AACHWA have a big emphasis on arts sector business development and strengthening partnerships within the arts centre network. AACHWA has a very small team that works hard to support this network of 25 arts centres.

In 2023, Mannifera contributed a grant of $25,000 towards their ‘Our Business’ forum – a four-day professional development program for art centre staff, board directors and artists. The focus will be on building the capacity of art centre and partnership development.