Economic Justice Australia


Funding area: A fair and equitable tax system and social safety net


Economic Justice Australia (EJA) is the peak organisation for community legal centres (CLC) providing the specialist help needed by people facing systemic barriers to accessing their rightful social security entitlements. EJA provides expert advice to government on social security policy and law reform, with recommendations to make the system more effective and equitable for those facing the most disadvantage.

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2023 Signature Grant, $70,000

Seizing Social Security Reform Opportunities


EJA’s vision of a fair social security system delivers dignity to Australians in most financial need.

Negative stereotypes around recipients of social security have enabled successive governments to justify the punitive nature of the system. Their current research and advocacy is focused on two key areas requiring the most urgent reform: automated decision-making and more inclusive support for victims of family and domestic violence.

In 2023, Economic Justice Australia has been awarded a grant to recruit a communications specialist to work across their social security automatic and domestic violence projects. Following compelling submissions at the Jobs Summit and Robodebt Royal Commission, this communications role comes at the right time to strategically highlight the work of their legal experts to the broader public and gain support.