Black Coffee Australia


Funding area: Inclusive economy


Black Coffee Australia is a volunteer-run grassroots, Indigenous business network that brings together Indigenous small business owners around Australia to build connections, form local business communities, encourage procurement and support the formation of Indigenous Chambers of Commerce. From its origins in South East Queensland, Black Coffee is run in 36 regions across the continent with 2330 Indigenous business owners participating

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2023 First Nations-led Grant, $10,000

2022 First Nations-led Grant, $20,000

2021 First Nations-led Grant, $40,000

Developing and implementing an evaluation framework


Black Coffee Australia was first funded by Mannifera in 2021 to develop a theory of change and evaluation framework to understand the impact Black Coffee networks are having on the growth and development of local Indigenous business sectors across the country. 

Mannifera’s renewed funding in 2022, is to implement the evaluation framework through activating and strengthening a regional Indigenous business network in the Cassowary Coast region in Far North Queensland. This network activation will inform Black Coffee’s strategy and business model.

In 2023 a renewed grant was awarded to assist Iscariot Media transition Black Coffee to operating as a separate entity.